Saturday, December 5, 2009

"Agricorps" Follow-Up

After writing last night, I thought I'd better check to make sure that there wasn't already an existing Agricorps organization that I'd overlooked.

Upon typing "agricorps" into Google, however, the first link that came up was a wikipedia link. I clicked on it, and learned that an agricorps organization does StarWars!

The beginning of the article was as follows:

"The Agricultural Corps (or AgriCorps) was one of the several branches of the
Jedi Service Corps staffed by young Jedi learners, ages 6-16. Among the Padawans, assignment to the AgriCorps was considered a demarcation of inability. The function of the Corps was to aid in tending to and harvesting crops for the Republic."

(Interesting to note, that even in the scifi Star Wars universe, being assigned to work as a farmer was considered a "demarcation of inability")

This made me chuckle.

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