Thursday, December 3, 2009

Section Investigation

This week in my environmental science section, we set off to the grocery stores to investigate what kinds of foods had corn (in some form) as an ingredient. The idea came from the movie "King Corn" (which I haven't actually seen). My classmates said that in the movie a group goes to the supermarket and had a lot of difficulty finding foods that don't contain corn, so we decided to try it ourselves.

We started out at East Side Market and split into pairs, each taking a different aisle. I ended up in the organic section, investigating organic chips and frozen foods and cereals. Interestingly, the most prominent ingredient in this section was soy, rather than corn.

Everyone else, though, found that corn was an extremely prevalent ingredient, in all sorts of foods, from frozen meals to cereals and crackers, to taco mix, even to rice! What was most interesting, however, was the fact that corn was even an ingredient in cleaning products! We found shampoos and conditioners containing corn, and also products like Febreze.

After visiting East Side Market, we decided to check out Whole Foods. The results were pretty similar, though we did find that more products in Whole Foods had detailed ingredient lists.

Now that I have a better sense of how prevalent corn is in my life, I want to King Corn to learn more about this staple.

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